Why does everyone want to be a hipster?

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Why do people try to be different? Why don't they just like the "pop" stuff? Why do they have to try so hard to find things super obscure and then show off how cool they are because they listen to something so obscure that no one else knows about it.

I think I get it now.

I get how "pop stuff" while feeling good can be predictable. And predictable is boring.

Give people what they want. Not what they expect.

Uncle Chael

And there's so much out there that no one has time for boring. Boring is a waste of time.

What you want is something that gives you the happy ending you want - just not in the way that you think you know it's going to happen.

But how long can you keep that going for?

How long can the unexpected keep being the unexpected? Isn't it going to run out of juice after a while?

Or maybe it doesn't just have to be good unexpected. It can be bad as well. As long as its unexpected and unpredictable - it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad.

That's surprising.

Surprisingly liberating.

As a content creator, that means it doesn't matter how good or bad your content is - what matter is how unpredictable it is.

The unpredictability meter is the real metric worth keeping an eye on.

See your story as a series of steps. Focus on the step that you're at right now - and then figure out what's next.

Then, don't put that as the next step.

Brainstorm. Figure out what would be an unpredictable step. Choose that as the next one. Then, rinse and repeat.