Two Questions

Person walking
Photo by Olia Gozha on Unsplash

I spend a lot of time being unsure about where I am heading and where my life is heading and what's my purpose in life yada yada yada.

As an unfortunate side effect of this, I frequently find myself questioning my current position and the decisions that led me to it.

Am I doing the right thing? Am I wasting my time? Should I do that totally random thing that I saw some guy on YouTube talking about because a.) it looks fun and b.) my brain thinks I'd be awesome at it?

What do I really want to do? And, what do I have to do to do what I really want to do?

So as you can imagine, this circular line of questioning generally results in some pretty anxious and roller coaster-ish times.

Which is why I am constantly on the look out for tips and tricks that can help me be at peace with myself.

Enter the two questions:

Am I happy with what I am doing?

Does doing this enable me to do the thing that will make me happy?

Be honest.

If you answered yes-yes or yes-no or no-yes, then you can stop reading right now. You are on the right path.

However, if you answered no-no, then it's time for a change my friend.

Either, change what you are doing or change your perspective about it.

Because, if you can't answer yes to either of those questions:

  • At best, you're wasting your time.
  • At worst, you're giving away a significant part of your life in exchange for something that is meaningless for you.

And, THAT is a damn shame.

In case you're wondering where I got these questions from, I highly recommend checking out this interview of Ryan Holiday with Tom Bilyeu of Impact Theory.